Thursday, August 9, 2012

This is what happened.

Finally kicked out the last of those cutters. And I'll tell you why.

It is hot. Really, really hot.

So, because it was hot, I stopped off at Starbucks this morning to get some cold water, when I run into this girl wearing a bright red jacket and scarf. She can't be more than twenty-one, but she gives me this shy smile and starts hitting on me.

Now, I'm middle-aged, but I guess there are people who go for older fellows. However, there also another little, itty bitty factor that would prevent this girl from getting what she wants: I am gay.

I try to tell this girl that, but she starts telling me that it doesn't matter. I start telling her that it does.

Then she introduces herself as "Ruby Tuesday." She says that those cutters I kicked out last week? Those are her "Scarlet-marked." She says she can show me a good time. She can make me one of her "Scarlet-marked."

And so I dumped a cup of cold water over her. It seemed like she needed it.

Anyway, she was surprised by that, so I just turned and walked away. And since those cutters weren't runners, I kicked them all out. They weren't earning their keep anyway.

So that was my day.


  1. ruby has always lacked subtlety.

    1. Russ, if you ever see Ruby, tell her I'd gladly take her offer. ;)
