Friday, August 3, 2012

Like Herding Cats.

So yeah if I'm going to be part of this I might as well actually write some stuff. Well record keeping for a group of runners is, as one would probably expect, not easy and in some cases downright frustrating. For instance someone disappeared recently from their room. They were labeled as missing and it was assumed something had taken them or they had wandered through the wrong Door. An hour or two after they were removed from the records they show up again and reveal they had actually just gone out to a local club to make some money. So, then I had to alter the records to show they were in fact still here and then the next day the same person actually did walk through a Door but the record was left unchanged just in case they somehow showed up again down the line. So, yes the records are not exactly one hundred percent accurate.

However I must admit this is actually a good thing in multiple ways. For one it makes what is normally a ridiculously dull and boring job... Not quite exciting but not as dull as usual. Also if someone were to say take The Records it wouldn't be a big loss since the information they get would be mostly inaccurate without proper contextual understanding of the situations occurring within.

So the most recent record related problem. This fight that was mentioned earlier and the large influx of runners lately. Larger numbers means larger amounts of strange occurrences and record abnormalities and the record will remain up in the air regarding those involved in the fight until Sal comes to a decision regarding how he wants to deal with them.

There you go I've contributed.

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