Saturday, December 15, 2012

State of Lockdown

Over the course of the past week, we have had the threat of Ruby Tuesday, the appearance of a Willing Doll (which Curtis tells me is no longer a problem), and now the appearance of the Choir. Two of our guests tried to go outside, only to be violently ill just stepping out the front door.

So it's time for a lockdown. We haven't needed it until now, not when the Dying Man piece was still here, but now we do.

I've locked all the doors and the windows and shut all the metal shutters that I installed when we reopened. I've brought out all of the food and water I've been stockpiling, because I am a paranoid motherfucker and I knew this day would come.

The basement is open. Any guests that are here are free to stay there for the duration of the attack. I'm not sure it's any safer than their rooms at the moment, but it may give them an extra sense of safety, so what the hell.

The cameras I installed outside are still working. They may not be soon, but at least for now, I can see what's happening. I know what's coming.

And I know it's not just the black-and-white monitor making those people's skin look grey.

1 comment:

  1. Locked doors and metal shutters may delay the Greyskins and Ruby Tuesday and her lot, but it's not going to stop the Choir and whatever else is out there - not for very long, anyway. The game's almost over, and if you don't have a contingency plan already, you better think of one fast.
