Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Blood donation.

So I'm gonna be donating some of my blood to help Sheryl and her buddies.

Yes Sheryl the bitch I was just complaining about in my last post and all my previous posts since she showed up. So why am I helping her out?

Well  a number of reasons.

No one regardless of how much of a bitch they are deserves to be the plaything of one of the creatur- Ahahahahaha... I couldn't finish that statement...

Nah the real reasons.

One: Hopefully if I do this thing her and the others will leave sooner.

Two: Nothing I do could actually make life worse for me so why not just do whatever.

Three: I was paid in advance for services rendered. Regardless of how much of a dick I might seem I'm honorable and if I've already been paid I can't change my mind.

What kind of payment you may ask... Well if you've been paying attention you can probably guess.

No not money.

I'll give your simple minds a few seconds to work it out.

I'm sure you're all reading this with stunned faces now so let me explain why I'd be willing to accept such a payment even though I hate her.

She's a bitch but she's an attractive bitch.

I... Am not exactly handsome. Especially now a days. I don't sleep much or pay much attention to hygiene issues. So I'm not ashamed to say that if I get that kind of an offer from an attractive woman I don't care much who she is.

Like I said can't get worse.


  1. You realize there are no absolutely confirmed details on how this Thing spreads from person to person, right? Even if you used protection I'm not sure it would work.

    1. What part of "can't get worse" Didn't you understand?

      Obviously I knew the risk and to be honest being a slave sounds infinitely better than what's waiting for me.

      Anything sounds better than what's waiting for me.

  2. And like that John becomes Sheryl's bitch. How's it feel knowing that you gave in you little piece of crap.

    ~The Coward.

    1. Same as above but with the addition of:

      I'd of given in long ago but The Monster isn't interested in servants.
