Saturday, November 10, 2012


I have a major operation to perform soon.

I must replace all of the blood in a person.  Sheryl.  It's my task to replace as much of her blood as I can with untainted blood.  If this works...we may have a way to save others like her.  However...there's no way to tell if it will or not.

I'm not sure how I feel about performing this operation.

I've been doing better, but...  I had a rather tense conversation with Alyssa the other day.  The outcome was very confusing and very troubling, and to be honest I'm not sure if it made me feel better or worse.  There was some catharsis in it, though.  I suppose that will have to do.

The transfusions start tomorrow.  I should get some rest.  I haven't been sleeping the best lately, I want to be in my best possible form.

I hope this works.

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